Pfarah is an extremely fast and easy to use solution for parsing files created by Clausewitz engine from Paradox Interactive
PM> Install-Package Pfarah
Getting Started
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Tutorial contains a great walkthrough of the API
API Reference contains automatically generated documentation for all types, modules and functions in the library.
Note on Memory Usage
While Pfarah tries to be memory conscious (parsing based on streams and not whole strings), the resulting data structure may be considered a memory hug. A 60MB file parsed by Pfarah will consume about 300MB of memory while the parsed document data structure hangs around. The data structure allows for easy quering on the data at the cost of memory. Thus, it is recommended that as soon as the file is parsed to keep around only what is needed and cast the data to the expected formats (such as an integer), which will consume less space. This will allow the garbage collector to clean up the intermediary 300MB data structure.
Contributing and copyright
The project is hosted on GitHub where you can report issues, fork the project and submit pull requests. You might also want to read the library design notes to understand how it works.
The library is available under the MIT license. For more information see the License file in the GitHub repository.
from Pfarah
val obj : ParaValue
Full name: Index.obj
type obj = System.Object
Full name: Microsoft.FSharp.Core.obj
module ParaValue
from Pfarah
type ParaValue =
| Bool of bool
| Number of float
| Hsv of float * float * float
| Rgb of byte * byte * byte
| Date of DateTime
| String of string
| Array of elements: ParaValue []
| Record of properties: (string * ParaValue) []
override ToString : unit -> string
static member Load : stream:Stream * binHeader:string * txtHeader:string * lookup:Lazy<IDictionary<int16,string>> -> ParaValue
static member Load : file:string * binHeader:string * txtHeader:string * lookup:Lazy<IDictionary<int16,string>> -> ParaValue
static member LoadBinary : stream:Stream * lookup:IDictionary<int16,string> * header:string option -> ParaValue
static member LoadText : file:string -> ParaValue
static member LoadText : stream:Stream -> ParaValue
static member Parse : text:string -> ParaValue
static member private Prettify : value:ParaValue -> indent:int -> string
static member Save : stream:Stream * data:ParaValue -> unit
static member private collect : prop:string -> obj:ParaValue -> ParaValue
static member ( / ) : obj:ParaValue * propertyName:string -> ParaValue
Full name: Pfarah.ParaValue
type ParaValue<'a> = ParaValue -> ParaResult<'a> * ParaValue
Full name: Pfarah.ParaValue<_>
Full name: Index.obj2
static member ParaValue.LoadText : stream:System.IO.Stream -> ParaValue