( !. ) key
Signature: key:string -> ParaValue<^a>
Type parameters: ^a
Prefix operator that delegates pget and sweetens the deal
CompiledName: op_BangDot
( .@ ) obj key
Signature: obj:ParaValue -> key:string -> ParaResult<^?7381>
Type parameters: ^?7381
Operator inspired from the fleece project -- delegates to pget
CompiledName: op_DotAt
( /./ ) obj propertyName
Signature: obj:ParaValue -> propertyName:string -> ParaValue
Slash operator to emulate xpath operations, see collectAll.
Inspired by json4s. The ideal operator would be // but //
is interpreted as a comment
CompiledName: op_DivideDotDivide
( ? ) obj key
Signature: obj:ParaValue -> key:string -> ParaResult<ParaValue>
Retrieves the property on the ParaValue Record with the given property
name. If the object is not a Record or the property does not exist on
the Record, the function will return an error
CompiledName: op_Dynamic
( <!> ) f m
Signature: f:('?7376 -> 'a) -> m:ParaValue<'?7376> -> ParaValue<'a>
Type parameters: '?7376, 'a
Lift operator adopted from the chiron project
CompiledName: op_LessBangGreater
( <*> ) f m
Signature: f:ParaValue<('?7373 -> 'a)> -> m:ParaValue<'?7373> -> ParaValue<'a>
Type parameters: '?7373, 'a
Apply operator adopted from the chiron project
CompiledName: op_LessMultiplyGreater
( >>= ) result f
Signature: result:ParaResult<'?7370> -> f:('?7370 -> ParaResult<'?7371>) -> ParaResult<'?7371>
Type parameters: '?7370, '?7371
Delegates to ParaResult.bind. Adopted from Chessie and Haskell
CompiledName: op_GreaterGreaterEquals