( / )(obj, propertyName)
Signature: (obj:ParaValue * propertyName:string) -> ParaValue
Slash operator to emulate xpath operations, see collect.
Inspired by json4s. Defined here so to not override the
global division operator
CompiledName: op_Division
Signature: (stream:Stream * binHeader:string * txtHeader:string * lookup:Lazy<IDictionary<int16,string>>) -> ParaValue
Given a stream that may be textually or binary encoded, the function
parses it correctly when given the headers to look out for.
Load(file, binHeader, txtHeader, lookup)
Signature: (file:string * binHeader:string * txtHeader:string * lookup:Lazy<IDictionary<int16,string>>) -> ParaValue
Parses zip files or uncompressed files that can be plain text or binary
LoadBinary(stream, lookup, header)
Signature: (stream:Stream * lookup:IDictionary<int16,string> * header:string option) -> ParaValue
Parses the given stream filled with binary data with a token lookup and
Signature: file:string -> ParaValue
Parses the given file path assuming that it contains strictly plain text.
Signature: stream:Stream -> ParaValue
Parses the given stream assuming that it contains strictly plain text.
Signature: text:string -> ParaValue
Parses the given string
Save(stream, data)
Signature: (stream:Stream * data:ParaValue) -> unit
Writes the given data to a stream